Why Yoga may be considered a ritual. I think my practice may be seen as a ritual for many reasons. the first being that i enjoy setting up my room in a certain way before i practice. I enjoy dimming the lights and burning some incense to set a certain type of atmosphere. I also enjoy making sure the room and house in silent usually I will practice in the morning before most of my house wakes up.

    While I do my yoga at certain points I enjoy holding a position and diving into my thoughts and try to do some positive visualization as I hold the pose. To me i think that qualifies as a ritual because I do this every time I do yoga. As well as at certain points I try to focus on relaxing my body and muscles and enjoying the sensation of relaxing my body

  Overall I think that my yoga can be described as a ritual due to the many things I do every time i create the right setting to practice but also by the mental a physical state I put my body into as i start to practice  


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