
 Yoga is most definitely more than just an exercise yoga not only is a work out but also helps you become more connected with your spiritual side. When doing yoga many people feel a spiritual connection with whatever they may believe in. as well as a more solid mind and body connection. Yoga is used by many people to become more connected to god. Many use it as a way to mediate and reflect upon their situations and lives.  By doing these things many think that yoga can help empower them to deal with challenges or issues going on. I myself use yoga as a way to take a break from my day to day routine and focus on relaxing and meditation. It empowers me to push throughout my day and continue to get done what needs to be done. I also use yoga as a place to plan and figure out what I have to do in the future. 
Jacob Sheftic   Yoga has bounced around all over pop culture in the west from counterculture to traditional culture. I think that yoga has really reflected what the youth of the current generation feels about society at that time. I think that alot of the pop culture in the west get reflected into most forms of culture but yoga seems to also soak up whats going on at the time.  Yoga has also effected the west in quite a few ways. For starters it created a respect and appreciation for living healthy and keeping yourself fit. It also helped people become more spirtual and become closer with themselves and also to there respective religious views. It also helped people get a view into a diffrent perspctive and view on life they might not have had prior.
       Why Yoga may be considered a ritual. I think my practice may be seen as a ritual for many reasons. the first being that i enjoy setting up my room in a certain way before i practice. I enjoy dimming the lights and burning some incense to set a certain type of atmosphere. I also enjoy making sure the room and house in silent usually I will practice in the morning before most of my house wakes up.      While I do my yoga at certain points I enjoy holding a position and diving into my thoughts and try to do some positive visualization as I hold the pose. To me i think that qualifies as a ritual because I do this every time I do yoga. As well as at certain points I try to focus on relaxing my body and muscles and enjoying the sensation of relaxing my body   Overall I think that my yoga can be described as a ritual due to the many things I do every time i create the right setting to practice but also by the mental a physical state I put my body into as i start to practice  
      I think there are quite a few things that make my yoga practice space a special place. For the most part I practice yoga alone in my basement. Providing a very quiet space to practice. I Also enjoy lighting incenses to help create a more relaxed vibe in my basement. I use yoga as a chance to not only stretch out and help my body feel better but also as a way to escape the hustle of my everyday life and meditate and relax.      As far as practicing alone I enjoy it for many reasons but mostly because throughout my day I am surrounded by friends or family constantly. As much as I enjoy their company I seem to hit a point everyday where I need to decompress and be with my thoughts for a few hours. This is where  yoga comes in. Once I hit this point I will usually take a step back and try to head to my basement for an hour or two and decompress and do some yoga to help stretch out.